Relationship drama!! 😭

Sorry if it’s hard to read been crying and need to vent and get outside point of views

So my partner and I are together 6 years.. we have struggled to get pregnant and stay pregnant. My last m/c ended in surgery and a cancer scare.. we decided to try again and was blessed with this pregnancy but I don’t think my partner even wants it!!! He says he does but puts so much stress on me and tbh only cares about himself!!

I’ve got horrible morning sickness 24/7 and he won’t even help cook even tho he goes and buys himself only dinner or clean at all.. he Is too busy with work to find time to come for my blood tests and scans.. has time to sit on his fat ass but do nothing for me. Even tho I pay most the bills and food shop!

I’m now thinking of packing my bags and doing this alone as I find myself crying a lot and I’m worried about the baby...

I would of never tried for one if I knew this is how he would be! But I made a choice and will not let my baby pay for the choice I made.

I know I’m extra emotional but this isn’t just emotions.

I’ve tried talking to him but he won’t take me seriously and acts like I’m just crazy from pregnancy hormones

Do I leave ? I feel that’s what the right thing to do is..

what does everyone else think am I being over the top???