Fighting for my marriage was worth it


The last few months my marriage was going through a rough time. We went days without embracing, days without discussing our issues we verbally fought and even threatened the D word. One day we talked and cried and said how do we grow and heal from here..? Fast forward the last 14 days I’ve been studying for my drug expert exam which determines if I move up to next portion . My husband has stayed up with me for hours rehearsing different drug names and categories and effects etc. today I passed my exam with a 96% out of 100 questions.

When I got home he was home and so happy for me. I told him I would like us to go to church, bible study tonight. He hesitated and looked confused, we haven’t been to church in over a year and every time God comes up we turn into philosophical conversation and I hated it. I craved more and I wanted to live breath and speak my religion/spirituality like I did when we Met.... fast forward we go to church and so glad we did. Then takes me to a dine in Chinese restaurant. I order Szechuan shrimp and he orders red spicy sauce shrimp. I ignorantly try to correct him to tell him it’s not called red shrimp sauce it’s Szechuan. He tells me I’m wrong. Our food arrives and what I thought was Szechuan shrimp was actually red spicy sauce shrimp . I felt so stupid because not only was his food exactly what I wanted, I did not like how my food tasted. He noticed I was not enjoying my food as much as I liked too, and he offered to switch plates. I declined several times because I didn’t want to eat his food. Long story short, I give in and told him I would like to switch plates ...and we did. I enjoyed his food and he enjoyed my food.... it made me remember one of the reasons I love him so much and it’s because he is so SELFLESS in his actions for me and for others.

I thought I’d show my little story. He teaches me to humble myself, I feel like if I was in his position I would’ve said oh send it back or well u gotta eat it since u ordered it.

So glad we are fighting for our marriage