Possible IB? Confused

Period lasted April 1st - 3rd/4th. Normal period, it was bright red, full of clots (usual for me), consistent flow, blood is always on the thicker / stringy side.

I had protected sex on the 17th.

I had UNPROTECTED sex the 19th and 21st.

On April 21st I felt my boobs slightly fuller and sensitive but not necessarily sore. Right now tho they feel sensitive + soreness but not in a painful way.

On April 24th, I had a unusually heavy amount of white discharge. Today (25th) earlier this evening I felt something on my liner and I thought, “oh great more discharge!” But when I went to the bathroom to change the liner, I saw it was blood. Small amount but decently sized. I should of took a photo but I was just so confused.

Right away I noticed 2 things —- it was a dark brown blood, & it was VERY watery unlike my period blood consistency that has not changed in years.

Could this be implantation bleeding?!

Period before April’s started Feb 27th and ended on March 1st / 2nd.

Next period is set for May 1st.

SO confused