I think I’m gonna go for it...


So as some of you may know, due to my medical situation, I had to put off trying to conceive. If you don’t, here’s a quick synopsis, after 40 years of life, and being labeled a hypochondriac (lol) from being sick a lot over the last 40 years, in November 2018, i was diagnosed with a very rare heart condition called aberrant right subclavian artery which I had to have heart surgery to correct it and have CBAG (which is a bypass to make an artery because the artery that I was supposed to be born with I wasn’t born with so they had to make it). After the surgery, I started having migraines that caused me to pain that was not fun.

Anyways, I thought it was going to be indefinite but I am starting to feel better and after all the tests that have been ran with my heart and MRIs on my spine, neck and head, (aside from another rare condition of a rare cyst on my spine which they say isn’t alarming (for now)) I think I want to continue and go through with egg donor or FET. I made another with my fertility specialist and I think I found an egg donor but I am thinking I want an embryo. Sorry, in advance for all the questions, I will continuing with my journey and I’m so glad and blessed that this app is here along with all of you!

My questions to you all are:

Did you use egg donor or embryos? And how old were you?

Did y’all use Fairfax Egg Bank?

How many eggs/embryos did you transfer?

We’re they successful?

Did you have health issues?

Thank you all! 💕