She wants to “befriend” my bf???

My friend just told me she’s going to try and “befriend” the guy I’ve been seeing for about 8 months now to “see what he’s like and what i deal with, with him,” due to the fact that I don’t like to discuss with her, in depth, what our relationship is like. She asks questions about him all the time and has repeatedly told me that if I don’t hurry and commit to him, she will. I told her straight up that I would prefer if she didn’t try to become his friend and her response was “why?” I just see no reason for my friends to try to talk about me and my relationship with a guy she wouldn’t even know exists if I didn’t even tell her about him. And her plan was to basically go behind my back and start talking to him. Isn’t what she’s doing weird or am I just being a bitch?

UPDATE: Hello all, thank you for all of your responses reassuring me that I wasn’t just being irrational to think that something about it was off! I tried to let her know, maturely, where I was coming from in not being comfortable with her having a private “friendship” with a guy that I am seeing, but she basically said I was being rude and ridiculous and kept trying to make me further explain myself and even more-so trying to make me feel bad for telling her straight up that I didn’t want her trying to become friends with him. Bottom line, I stopped replying and blocked her because she wanted to go on and on about how I somehow was in the wrong for telling her she was crossing the line. And yes, she’s seen his face before and has expressed that he’s her type, so I knew her intentions would not have been entirely pure! New question! Should I tell him about her in case she tries talking to him anyways now that our friendship is severed, or just let it be? I’m leaning more towards letting it be and letting whatever happens happen, but is that a problematic choice? Idunno 🤓