Contraception trouble

Sapphire • Full time mum taking everyday as it comes

Hi ladys has anyone else had my trouble?

I have always struggled with contraception. My periods not on contraception are super heavy and painful. I've tried every contraception in the book except for the copper coil and the injections in your bum. I have been told because of the bleeding I have had previously with the other contraceptions the injection could cause me to bleed up until a year before it would stop and they said I shouldn't get the copper coil because it makes periods more heavier and my periods are already very heavy.

I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant and I have a 13 month old. I honestly do not want to have anymore kids for awhile after this baby is born. My boyfriend goes limp when I put a condom on him so that's not even an option. I thought of femidoms but they are so hard to find. I have tried the progesterone pill, mirena coil and implant and they have all caused me to bleed none stop without relief.

The only contraception that worked for me was the combined pill but they said because of my weight it would be too risky to take it as it could cause a blood clot. I would need to loose up to 4 stone (56lbs). I mean I cant say to my boyfriend you cant touch me until I loose all that weight because that's not fair to me or him. I cant just put our sex life on hold.

Have any of you ladies had this problem. Did you find relief.