15 DPO BFP!🥰


I waited it out until 1 day passed my missed period. I didn’t want to deal with the disappointment if the test was stark white! We BD every other day during fertile window and used Pre-Seed! Took 2 tests this morning with fmu and got my positives!! will probably keep testing throughout the day! So excited for my 18 month old to be a big sister! I only used OPKs, no other type of tracking. My AF is usually associated with a migraine the day before and cramps just around the time it does arrive. No symptoms of pregnancy except some cramping around 6-8 DPO which never really happens in my cycle and made me hopeful. No spotting of any sort, some increased hunger which is also unlike me and fatigue, but like I said, I have an 18 month old - I’m always tired! Looking forward to this journey! YAY! Planning on telling my husband tonight in a fun way!