Still can’t get over this! ❤️❤️


I still can’t get over the difference!

The photo on the left is from February of 2018. I was 265 lbs. I was tired all the time, grouchy, sad, my periods had completely stopped, and I hated pictures of myself. We went on a trip to a museum and a friend of ours took that picture of us. I looked at my handsome, healthy husband and thought how lucky I was. Then I looked at myself and shame hit me like a ton of bricks. What had I done to myself? How could I let this happen? How could my husband even want to be SEEN with me, much less want to TOUCH me? (It sounds harsh, but this is honestly what I thought. Turns out HE never even noticed I gained that much weight. If only my doctor could be that blind, am I right? Lol)

I stewed on that photo for a couple of months. It disgusted me and I hated it. I tried to push it to the back of my mind, but I couldn’t. It ate at me and sent me into blind rage all the time.

When anger slowly settled into acceptance, I went and saw a local doctor who runs a weight loss program. He has become somewhat known for it in our small town. After talking with me for a little while and going over some bloodwork, he gave me a target calorie zone to hit daily. He told me to get my heart rate up a certain amount for 30 minutes a day. Armed with this knowledge and a follow up appointment for three months later. I set out on the first doctor-set leg of my journey: lose 30 pounds in three months.

Every time I have come back to see him, I have exceeded his goals for me. I stay strict on my diet, do my best to get my exercise in (I’m not perfect by any means), and my doctor says I have lost more weight in a shorter amount of time, and a healthier way than a patient who has had a lap-band or other similar surgery (which are great surgeries for those who need them. I just didn’t 🤷‍♀️).

Anywho. The photo on the right is my husband and I on Easter Sunday. I am now 185 pounds and that puts me at just 15 lbs shy of my goal. I am healthier, happier, and my periods are back (sometimes I’m not so glad of that. Hello, cramps!).

If you are in the same boat I was in last year, I want you to know you can do it! It’s okay to ask for help! Never be afraid to seek the help you nezed!