Need help


How do I deal with abuse at home? Also I’m not sure if what my parents do is abuse so I’ll go through it. (I’m 14 by the way)

My dad :

He buys me unhealthy food despite me asking him to get better stuff because it makes me sick and he refuses

He constantly forgets important things going on in my life and prioritises his self and his friends over me

He’s unsupportive of me being lgbtq+ and told me I’m mentally ill when I came out

He leaves cleaning to me because “I’m the woman of the house”

Purposely uses “she” and “her” pronouns even though I told him I prefer they them but again genderfluid is apparently a mental illness

He’s disrespectful towards women and always making inappropriate comments about me and telling strangers (his friends but idk them) all my secrets

And he refused to pick me up from school because he can’t be bothered so I have to get a job to afford bus fare , food and clothes because he doesn’t help at all.

Mum :

Often neglects me and talks rubbish about me to her friends.

Makes fun of my diet and constantly points out my weight and insecurities

Shouts and is horrible with me when she’s in a bad mood even though I’ve done nothing

Leaves me to look after my brother and pets in the evening to go out drinking with friends

Refused to collect me from school when I threw up because she had friends over

Constantly lying to me about important things.

My parents are split btw so this is what happens each time I go over. Is it abuse? Shall I report it? What can I do?

It’s really affecting my mental health and general well being and I always feel alone and depressed even when good things happen ... I want to get fixed but idk how