My sex drive is dead! 🥀💀⚰

So.. for a while now I'm been to busy to have sex. My son goes to bed at 10:30 we wake up at 8am every day and he rarely takes naps... Well I also happen to be 24 weeks pregnant and because of that by the time my husband wants sexy time I just want to watch TV and go to bed.

Our sex drives don't match and it worries me... My husband wants to do something we've done in the past that I'm just not in the mood to do.... Ever.

We planned to do it today but I have felt sick all day head ache throwing up neck is hurting and although I agreed last night I don't want to do it anymore...

Well now he is deflated and at midnight saying he's just going to bed (he's a night owl regardless of how early he woke up he Normally goes to sleep at 2am 3am). By the way!!! When he thought we were going to do sexy time he was talking to me very awake and stuff talking about spending time with me... So now I mentioned him going to bed. It feels as though he is going to bed angry at me. Like he'd rather effing sleep than to spend time with me... If we don't have sex I feel guilted by his actions for turning him down...

I am so angry at him for not being understanding (although he has never come right out and said anything against me turning him down) but I'm angry at myself... I want sex but I'm never in the mood. I'm afraid it will always be like this and I'm afraid it's putting a strain on my Marriage...