I thought my eyes were tricking me

Kyla • Mama 💕

My boobs have been hurting for about a week, very tender. My friend kept telling me to take a test, but I was weary because I didn’t want to get my hopes up, again, just to get my period the very next day. Well, I tested yesterday first thing because I wanted to be sure before I went to my other friends going away party, she made soooo many Jell-O shots, and I needed to know if I could drink or not. I was NOT expecting this. I didn’t even do a double take before I ran out of my room and into my guest room where my friend was. I told her I needed a second pair of eyes and she jumped up to come look and assured me, I was seeing TWO lines!!! My husband and I have been ttc for 9 months and it’s happening for us now!! I couldn’t wait and had to tell him (secrets are not my thing). I bought some digital tests to be certain, a coffee mug that says Rad Dad, and a dad to be card. He was all smiles and my heart melted. Praying for a healthy, sticky bean, and sending baby dust to everyone that wants it ❤️

I also tested again this morning, to be sure 😂 I got my 6th positive test 💕 I’m still in shock but I’m so excited for this journey with my husband.

ETA: af was due 2-4 days from testing (different days on different apps). I believe 10 dpo