Is this how I get this body?

This is me: 8 weeks postpartum.

I want to look like this:

Is this how I achieve it?

Meal plan:


- Overnight oats (1/2 cup blueberries; 1/3 cup rolled oats; 60ml almond milk; 1tbsp flax; 1tsp almond butter).

- Green tea


- 1 x coffee mint smoothie (1.5 bananas; 1.5tbsp almond butter; 30g isowhey protein powder; 350ml almond milk; 1tsp coffee; tiny bit of mint leaves).

- Green tea


- 1 x whole grain wrap with half a chicken breast, half an avocado & 70ml of Greek yoghurt.

- Green tea


- 1 apple, sliced, with 1tbsp of peanut butter, and sprinkled with cinnamon.

- Green tea

Post workout:

- 30g isowhey with 200ml water or almond milk


- 1/2 chicken breast with 1/4-1/3 cup of brown rice and 1/3 cup broccoli.

2hrs before bed:

- Green tea


- 30 minute walk, 5 days a week. 8 week old strapped to my chest, and 18 month old being pushed in a pram.

Mon - 5 abs workouts; 15 reps x 3

Tues - 5 bum and legs workouts; 15 reps x 3

Wed - 5 arms workouts; 15 reps x 3

Thurs - 5 back workouts; 15 reps x 3

Fri - HIIT - 1 of each body part workout, as many as I can in a space of 7 minutes.