Going from 4 sugar pills to 7

Hi! So I have been on birth control for about 2 years now. I recently switched brands due to some bad side effects with other ones. I am on the brand Estraylla. Every birth control in the past I have only had 4 sugar pills and the rest active pills. On this new brand I have 7 sugar pills and the rest active pills. I am on my second month of this new brand. My period last month lasted 7 days and I had sex on 4/15 which was 2 days after my period ended. According to this app I wasn’t scheduled to ovulate until a week later. We did not use protected but he pulled out & im pretty sure nothing got inside me. I am just wondering if I should be worried about becoming pregnant since my body wasn’t adjusted to the 7 sugar pills since i’ve only ever had 4... Please help!