I hate highschool

soooo the boy I lost my virginity to is the one I thought would be in my life for a very long time. He was my first friend in highschool and we've on and off ever since. We've fulled around my junior year a little bit (I am now a senior)then we were having sex from December-February. In February he ended things with me very childishly. We went from not talking at all and acting like strangers for like 3 weeks until on my birthday he wished me a happy bday. Then she starts messing with me again in school like how he use to. Now I know he is now having sex with a classmate of mine but the thing is I can't even hate the girl if I wanted to because she is super nice and we be talking and she is actually my friend. Also,they are going on prom together. I don't even know if she knows me and the boy's history. But I do know she has/ had deep feelings for him like I have/had. But now he still messes with me in school by like touching me and stuff and I just don't know what to do 😩😩. ool by like touching me and stuff and I just don't know what to do 😩😩. Temptation is such a dangerous thing. Please help a sista out y'all.