My preemie


Hi Ladies I had my son 8 months ago and it took me awhile to share my story. I think I'm ready now. I found out right after new year's that I was finally expecting and I had this plan on how I wanted to tell my husband that we are finally pregnant, that all went out the window the minute the stick came back positive. My started off with no complications at about 18weeks I was told that I had gestational diabetes which was a shocker, but manageable. Started taking insulin and shortly after noticed that my sugar levels would remain the same in normal range even if I didn't take my insulin. While on the insulin I noticed that I started getting swellings in my feet and legs, and thought it was due to the the insulin. As the weeks went by it got more and more difficult to get around because it hurt to walk or stand. At my 30 week ultrasound appointment the nurse notice that how bad the swelling was and decided to check my blood pressure and it was 159/109 and they told me to waddle my butt straight to labor and delivery. Since the hospital was walking distance I went and they hooked me up to they're monitors and did their test. It came back that I was spilling proteins in my urine and I had to be admitted to the hospital at 30 weeks and 2days. For the next 3days they tried to control my gestational hypertension but soon became unsuccessful so I was given steroids shots to prepare my baby's lungs in case if I had to deliver early. On Thursday they up me to 2 types on meds to keep my blood pressure down and I remember the nice nurse I had that night she broke the news that the doctor said they wanted to deliver me in the morning. I stayed up all night crying that this could not be happening that it was to early for my baby to come into this world even though my hospital has a level 3 NICU. In the morning my husband woke up and noticed that I was crying and he ask what was wrong, and I told him what they told me all in tears. I started apologizing that my body had failed to keep our baby safe, and he hugged me and said it's ok I love you and if its God's will everything will be ok. Later on the doctor came in and I ask of it wouldn't be possible to put me in a induced coma if my body is not working for the both of us my pressure would not be high and baby can stay inside for longer. He told me it is best if they deliver me now to avoid more complications and that my baby would be in good hands they had the best doctor. My gender reveal baby shower was a week away and my best friend who was planning the whole this came into the hospital and the minute she walked into the room she screamed you're having a boy since she wouldn't be able to do it at the baby shower. They prepared me for surgery since my little one was not in position for a vaginal birth. Once in the operating room I remember bits and pieces of it I remember my husband coming in and at that time I was in tears because I felt the cutting he sat by my head and started patted me in the head in a way to calm me down but at the time it was annoying so I snapped at him why he was patting me like a dog lol. The last thing I remember was they telling me that I'm going to feel a lot of pressure and me screaming they are gutting me like a fish and then waking up in the recovery room. My husband said I was awake and saw the baby before they took him away. His name is Hezekiah Elijah born July 20th at 2lb 15oz 16 inches he is now a very active little guy and the love of my life I could not imagine life without him. He stayed 30 days in the NICU and that's because he had to be at least 35 weeks to go home. I have attached pics of him below, and my last pic before my delivery