Having a hard time accepting the fact my husband has a child, am i wrong for feeling this?

Ladies, this is going to be a long story and im gunna try to shorten it, but please read, i need advice! So my now husband and i were together for 7 months before it came out of the bag he had a child. His ex, the mother of his child messaged me and told me some means things because she was jealous and i asked him about it, and he said the child was not his that shes crazy and he doesnt have a child. 1 month later, we were with his family for dinner and his family started talking about the same child she messaged me about to him, but i kept my mouth shut cause i didnt want to make a scene. Later that night he told me that he lied, he did have a child and that he was sorry he just didnt want me to think different of him. I forgave him and explained to him that although i never wanted to date a man with a child( personal preferance, no offence to anyone), i was willing to adjust and accept him and his child. Fast foward to now, I'm stuck. We are now married and living together but he always told me that he cant stand his ex.(mother of his child) That it was a mistake and she trapped him. That shes crazy and loud and rude and shes now getting him for child support even though he always calls her to see his son and she cusses him out and tells him he better pay child support, we recently have been getting him because hes convincing her to let him see him. What upsets me is that she is so rude towards me, shes always calling me a bitch, telling him to tell me that she will come after me if i hurt her son, that she"ll "set me straight". This is all so much for me... His father told me that everything he said was not true. That my husband was so in love with her and he trapped her, that he wouldnt leave her alone and was crazy for her so he " accidently" got her pregnant. And i have also found out about other things hes lied to me about. What do i do? I dont resent his child even tho his child is SO HYPER and its sometimes hard for me to take care of, but sometimes i still dont know if im accepting his past.. I think why? why did you lie to me? why are you still lying to me? You brag about how you hate her and she trapped you but truth came out it was the opposite? She is so loud, not mature, i think, you say you hate her but look? you put a kid in her so deal with her.. i know, i feel horrible.. Im now 5 months pregnant with my first child, his second and i feel as if im the only one excited because he never talks about our baby girl on the way, just his son.. Is it normal to feel like this? Is it wrong?