4 week long period, Endo, ruined my relationship

So I’ve recently been told I have Endometriosis I’ve been fighting since I was 13 and I just learned about this a week ago. I’m now 20. Ivebeen having horrible periods they used to vary 4-10 days and be normal flow but VERY uncomfortable. Since I’ve been put on birth control, I’ve had 3-4 week long periods and I’m in excruciating pain almost as bad as the contractions I had in labor and super sharp pain on my right side of my stomach (yes I’ve been checked almost every month for kidney infection/stones, appendix, gallbladder, and ovarian cysts) the birth control has since made everything worse and no one can help me figure anything out. I’ve seen two different hospitals, my obgyn, and primary and NO ONE can give me an explanation on what’s going on.. anyways I’m just frustrated and need to rant and was wondering if anyone else had these problems. Tbh it’s really ruining my sex life and killing my relationship with my husband. He has been really supportive but it’s been frustrating. It makes it very difficult to take care of my son who is 7 months old and what docs tell me is my miracle baby. After I gave birth my Endo has gotten worse. And honestly idc what to do. I’m feeling really bad and like a horrible mother because it makes taking care of everyone difficult and honestly I just needed a safe place to rant.. things have been way overwhelming... and I’ve haven’t had luck around my husband as he’s becoming aggressive.. if you took the time to read this then thank you :( and I’m sorry for the huge post