Pregnancy and relationship stress

I'm nearly 20weeks pregnant with my 4th child and my partner's first child he's always wanted to be a dad to his own child but never had one till now he's a great stepfather to my 2 children that live at home with me our relationship is lovely we have had our ups and downs but right now it's just so difficult I don't know where I stand with him he's always going on about how tired he is and we argue over it he says he's always stressed out about all my hormones beed all over and that I want him hear to do everything around the house but I don't all I want is for him to understand how I'm feeling I'm tired I sometimes have to get up at 05:00an / 06:00am with screaming children while he's at his place sleeping in till 10:00am or 11:00am and only comes up to mine 3 or 4 days a week I'm in pain as iv got pelvic hip dysplasia and my hips crack every step I take and running around after kids cooking cleaning and just evan playing with my kids takes it out on me I'm also anaemic and have really low iron levels and that also takes a lot out of me so yes I ask him for help but he complains about it I just want him to understand what I am going through and to listen to me not ignoring my calls or texts like he did when I had a little bleed I called him all day and he ignored me so I had to call his friend tell his friend what had happened and get him to tell me fella and only then he called me to see if I was ok but when I asked him why he ignored me he hung up on me and didn't hear from him for another 2 days so I honestly didn't know what to do anymore 😪