How do you do it all?


I know I can't be the only mama out there struggling to do it all! There just aren't enough hours in the day. I work full time, it's an hour round trip to pick up the baby, by the time I get home it's usually close to 5:30, I still have to cook dinner, wash my pump parts, pack the diaper bag, feed the baby solids, get her ready for bed (possible bath time) and then feed her to sleep sometime between 7 and 8:30. My husband tries to help, not enough but he tries, but she always wants me. And when she does go to sleep all I want to do is lay there and hold her because I miss her so much from being gone all day. How are we expected to do it all?!

What are your experiences? Do you have a fair amount of help at home? How do you balance it all?