Hate PPD

I had my daughter 13 days ago. I have PPD and I’ve been seeing a therapist for 4-5 months now. (Thought I’d be a good idea). I had my 2 week check up yesterday and the doctor prescribed me a antidepressant. (Hopefully it helps). I have not felt like this is years. I’m feeling very alone, worthless, hopeless, lonely. My husband barely helps. Yes he works a full time job but I’m still recovering from a c section. And the pain has been horrible. I’m taking care of her 21-22 hours a day. On top of all this my family is 4 hours away so they can’t help. My husbands grandma and mom only care about my daughter. (Of course they do. She’s a newborn and our first child. And we are also allowing them to see her as unlike my brother in law with there daughter.) but I feel she’s to small and not old enough to go to everyone’s house right now. Only because I’m allergic to a lot and she might be too. And I guess I’m over protective. (We tried for 5.5 years to have our daughter and I’m attached to much. It’s hard for me to give her up to my husband) but his mom and grandma doesn’t ask about me at all. He says they “love” me. Really?? They don’t show it. His mom texted me everyday asking how I was and feeling while pregnant. She hasn’t even texted or called me since before birth. Like wtf!!!!! My husband also has been lying to his mom saying excuses of why we can’t come over. #1 she’ll smoke around my daughter. #2 her dogs are aggressive and I don’t want my daughter bit. #3 I’m severely allergic to dogs and she might be too. But I’m in the wrong. Because she thinks it’s all me and my decisions. But me and my husband agree on it all. My once again she’ll question him and say it’s me and shit he doesn’t even defend me to his family. He only defends himself. Why do I have to feel so alone in all this. I shouldn’t be thinking of suicide.. or how I should do it. I cry all the time and over nothing. Me and my husband argue so much too. I can’t take much more. I am physically and emotionally exhausted. I’ve brought my concerns up to my husband. I cry in front of him and tell him how I feel but he doesn’t acknowledge it at all. I’m not sure what to do.