I think I was raped...

I don’t want to say that I 100% was because I really don’t know. And I don’t want to offend anyone who has and come across as making more of the situation that it is. I just have a feeling.

I’ll start from the beginning

Last Thursday I stayed the night at my best friends house. She has 3 brothers 2 younger ones and 1 older one. 8, 13, and 17. Me and my friend are both 14. So we (me, her, and her 13 & 17 yo brothers) were being mischievous and looking through her dads things and found a bottle of alcohol (I don’t know what kind but it had the name Jackson on the bottle) yes, we had the intention of drinking it. I tried like one swallow but thought it was nasty and felt guilty so I just said I’d drink water and she had a little bit but I think she was guilty too and we put it away. Then her brothers went away and we put a movie in. At this point about 10 minutes had passed and I felt so tired. And I’m pretty sure I fell asleep during the movie. When I woke up it was about 4 am and I was in the den on the couch which is like the gaming room. And I had the worlds worst headache which I’m assuming was a hangover and my eyes were super puffy and it hurt, down there. There wasn’t any blood or anything it was just sore. Anyways when I woke up I got up to go to the bathroom (when I noticed it was sore) and then I went to see if my friend was awake but I couldn’t find her so I gathered my things and went home. My mom was still asleep so I took a shower and that’s when I notice I wasn’t wearing my bra, which at first I didn’t think anything of it other than maybe I got uncomfortable and took it off in my sleep and I was so embarrassed that I left it at their house but over the past few days my friend has been ignoring me and acting strange and I’ve been reassessing the whole situation and I don’t know what I should be thinking. I mean the whole thing could be completely innocent but then it could be the complete opposite and I just don’t know what to think. I told my mom about the whole thing (including the drinking) EXCEPT my suspicions of being raped.

So if anyone has any input or advice I’d really really appreciate it. And if I should go to some sort of authority or talk to her parents or something I just I don’t know what to do and I don’t know if I should even do anything? Even just plain reassurance that I’m overreacting would be really nice

Thank you