Blocked him and need strength to stick to it.


I posted about the really terrible relationship situation I am in a few months ago. The short version is he left me the day I found out I’m pregnant for his ex. Turns out they were still together behind my back the whole time.

So after all the drama he went through terrible regrets. Came back. Spent weeks apologizing and crying and trying to make things right. So I kept the baby and we started trying to put things back together.

Now the last few weeks he started acting weird and angry or at least indifferent. We aren’t fully living together, he has his own house. But he stays with me regularly. Then he started saying he would be there or help with the kids, or call, or just do basic things and then he doesn’t do anything he says. It’s not forgetting. He just says things to me to make me think he’s going to do something, usually things he should do that are his responsibility, and he has no intentions of actually doing them.

Tonight he was supposed to come over after work, he hasn’t come over in almost a week. So we barely see each other and he doesn’t call. He completely stood me up. No call. No text. Like I’m nothing. This isn’t the first time he’s done that. But I can’t do it anymore. I can’t believe I even gave him a second chance. I blocked his number. I’m always the one texting and calling. We would never speak if I didn’t.

I’ve done soooooo much for this man. In his career. How I’ve treated him. I’ve improved his life so much. And he has said so himself. And he just throws me and his baby away so easily.

That number has got to stay blocked. I hope I’m strong enough to keep it that way.