I need to vent

My fiance is AMAZING. I absolutely adore him okay so please don’t think we are unhealthy or anything because all couples go through little things I’m just a tad frustrated and need to figure out how to talk to him the right ways.

My fiancé is on a HIGH dose of antidepressant.

The higher the dose he went up the more I seen him distance himself. hes in the navy. He struggles from anxiety and depression.

When we first met he was on the lowest dose, we would go out a lot more, at night he would want to lay in bed and watch funny videos before bed and talk about the day.

Well this has stopped. We barely go out. All he does IN THIS ORDER.

Weekdays : work, sleep ( 2-5 hour nap after work ), gym( if not to late has been lately ), video game ( until he showers ), spends 45 mins showering and playing on his phone, comes to lay in bed and plays on his phone till he goes to bed.

I feel lonely. 😞 I know he don’t mean to.

Yesterday he went to the bathroom ( around 11:30 pm I had gotten off work at 11 ) and he got off his video game and said imma try to go to the bathroom and I was like okay.

Realized he was just siting in there playing his game for 45 mins so I got upset . I been wanting to talk to him about my day but he just won’t . And I was upset. I really was. He said he was scared I’d get mad if he played his phone in bed, ( I don’t get mad I just ask sometimes if he wants to watch our funny videos like we use to ) because I’m lonely sometimes ya know? But I’m not blaming him.

Does anyone have a SO that is on antidepressants and maybe a tad distant ? What could I try ? Only thing I can do to get him up and going is fishing and I’ll do it for him but damn I’m tired of fishing!!! Want a romantic night? Nope more like fish guts on my hands but hey he’s happy so I deal with it lol

I’ve recently opened up to him about my depression that has recently caused me to become pretty suicidal , I use to be very depressed before I met him and I’m on a new BC that is causing suicidal thoughts to come back and that also took him for a loop and was hard for him to swallow but we are a team and he’s my best friend and I just want to make him happy.