
So a Month ago , my Husband & i got into an disagreement. My Husband has a History of Mental Illness. On this Day , he got very angry very quickly. He threw a bottle a water ( like fresh outta Fridge Full and Cold) at my head, he wanted me to leave i was going to leave but i don’t have a car 3-4Days before my 21st Birthday (January 16th) i got into a car accident. So I had to call one of my cousins or something but he took the house phones away from My Father-in-Love & I (My Phone is off) and so i had to go to the neighbors , to call the cops. The cops showed up , and got our house phones back and my husband ended up going Jail. I Left and went to my Cousins house and 2Days Later My Mom came to get from Maryland (I Live in NC). My Husband& I have been apart for a month but we talked it out. I Miss him a lot but sometimes i don’t think we will get past this some how. Hoping and Praying that we do.

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