My CRAZY birth story!


I was 36w2d and I had my doctors appointment and stress test scheduled in the afternoon at 3:30. It was a normal day, I went to work, I only had 2 more days before my maternity leave started and I was almost 100% ready to go!! I work in mortgage and needed to get all my customers assigned to someone while I was gone. I left for my appointment around 3:00, for my stress test and baby looked good but still breech. I went to my OB and he said no need to check my cervix, I hadn’t been experiencing any labor.

I left around 4:30, rush hour traffic on Friday, ugh! I needed to go get my stepson from after school daycare so I started making the trip home. I danced in the car and blast music like normal when I got a phone call from the hospital. They were calling to confirm my c-section at 38 weeks, the baby was large, breech, and I had high blood pressure in the 3rd trimester so I was going in a few weeks early to have the baby.

I was answering questions and the nurse was explaining the procedure and all the sudden I peed. I peed again, and then I realized my water was breaking. I told the nurse I wouldn’t need to have the surgery and she was very confused. I told her my water broke and immediately hung up and said she’d call labor and delivery.

I just pulled into my sons school parking lot, I stand up, grab an old blanket from the back seat, put it on my seat and the rest of my water gushes down my legs and running down the parking lot. I am about 25 min from home and 20 min from the hospital. If I go home, I am 45 min from the hospital so I decide to get my son and drive back to where in just left my appointment. 😣. I didn’t want to risk going home first so I guess I am driving while in labor!!

I get my son, who is just soooo excited and thinks it’s awesome he is the one that gets to ride with me. My husband is at the gym and not answering his phone... 5 times. He leaves and heads to our house to pick up my mom and then meet us at the hospital.

My parents live in Ohio, my mom came a month early to help, my dad was traveling in that day to join her. Ohio is a 13 hour drive from NE, when I called him, he just happened to be about 20 minutes from the hospital so he would be able to meet me there. How lucky is that?!?!

I had my first contraction immediately after leaving, they are about 5-7 min apart. By the time I arrive, I am 6cm my contractions are 2-3 min apart and they can feel baby’s butt.... in 20 minutes!!!! They really rush things along. My husband gets there, they kick out my parents. They send me back for a spinal. My husband waits outside the room.

After the spinal they lay me down and they suddenly hit the code button. Everyone is screaming. “The cord is out, the baby is in distress, call the code...”. They hit a button and more people come running in. The doctor is trying to find out if I am numb yet, I am not, so they pump me full of other drugs to relax me and say if I feel pain and not pressure to scream and they will knock me out.

They had a hell of a time getting the baby out. She was in my ribs, the cord was out, so they had to be extra careful. My husband is still not in the room, I almost passed out and finally just screamed that I needed him. They brought him in and he was white as a ghost... he said “I thought you were dead”. He had seen all the lights and bodies running into my room. We had a moment to just hold each other and then they pulled her out and announced “it was a girl!!”

She was not crying, and was very blue, they took her back to have CPAP. She was on the machine for 5 minutes... the longest 5 minutes in my life when I finally heard her first cries. I could finally breathe.

Nova Lynn 7lbs2oz 20 inches long. March 29th, Born 28 days early. 6 days in the NICU.

The whole crew when we got home.

She’s now 1 month old!

We are absolutely in love and would do it all again!!