Anyone else's partner sometimes say things without thinking?


Yesterday was a stressful day as it is. I struggle to get my daughter to sleep, nothing works. I can spend up for 5 hours trying to get her to sleep and then end up falling asleep myself. In the mornings she'll wake up extra early and the ill struggle to get her to nap throughout the day.

PLUS she is teething and ended up with a rash so that is bothering her as you can imagine. He comes home and thinks her cry for attention is because she wants to play. Ok he takes her downstairs and 10 mins later brings her back to me, like yeah see it worked. No, it kept her quiet but this isn't the end. The day before he kept insisting she's crying for no reason and I'm like "she has a rash". After a few days he decides to suggest I just keep her out her nappy for long. Well I used my initiative and took her to the doctors (he probably wouldn't have) and it turns out she has a form of eczema.

Today I said she was tired and he says oh she looked it, then she just wanted to play. She's still tired, I just put her in her jumper and within no time she wants to get out. Why cos she's tired!! I told him I took her out for a walk and even that didn't work (it usually works like a charm). He asks why I don't turn the pram to face the other direction. What the actual fuck? How is this going to help me get her to sleep on a daily basis? If she's tired and comfortable then she'll sleep!!!!!! It's like he doesn't have anything constructive advice to give me. He just comes home, plays with her and thinks it's that easy.