

I don't know what to do and I know my story is gonna sound insane but I have no one I can talk to about it without looking crazy. Here it is...

My daughter is 7 years old and has never had any problems with sleeping at night. Well almost a week ago my boyfriend heard the refrigerator door slam so he went to see what was happening and found her standing in the kitchen with some kitchen drawers open so he asked her what she was doing. She looked at him surprised and said I don't know and went back to bed. We tried to talk to her about it the next morning but she didn't remember any of it so I didn't put much thought to it. Now here's where it gets strange. Last night I put my kids to bed at 8pm as usual and got in bed with my boyfriend. Well he fell asleep so I stayed up to play a game on my phone quietly. My bedroom is next to my kids room and I leave my door open so I can see if anyone walks past the door for any reason. I'm very aware of even the cats running around at night and see them run by as I'm playing my game. About an hour after my boyfriend falls asleep I hear this strange sound like something or someone moving abnormally fast (like those movies where some evil thing is running on the ceiling on hands and feet) across the floor at the foot of my bed so I turn my phone towards it but I don't see anything. I decided to turn on my phone flashlight and turn it towards my boyfriend's side of the bed to see if it was maybe the cats cause I didn't see anything come pass the door frame. Plus I was scared as hell! I saw my daughter standing there beside the bed looking straight at the wall so I yelled "what are you doing?" and she turned her head looking like a deer in headlights. I repeated myself and she just said "I don't know". At this point my boyfriend was awake trying to talk to her and trying to figure out what was happening but she started crying so I told her to go back bed. After she went back in her room I realized that my boyfriend's top drawer on his night stand was opened some and his hunting knife was sitting on top of everything in the drawer ( it's usually under his underwear and the kids have never seen it). I don't think she got the knife out cause everything happened within seconds like not even 30 seconds but I think she did open the drawer. I couldn't really sleep last after that happened cause I was still scared. I'm thinking I should call the pediatrician and see what they say about the situation or just see if she does it again. I need an opinion or something. I don't know what to do. She's never sleepwalked before and now she's done it twice on one week.

This is my opinion about how the knife was in wrong place to kinda clarify that:

Earlier in the day my niece changed in my room so I think she went through the drawer and pulled it out but didn't put it back where she found it but closed the drawer. My daughter did open the drawer but didn't have anything in her hands when I saw her.