Frustration with our careers.

Ladies, I need help. My partner is in the military and always away and I am a nurse who works full time. It seems that when he is home I am working and when he is working I am home. It makes it difficult to spend anytime together as I work an hour away so stay in the city I work in during my stretch. I’m getting to a point where I’m incredibly frustrated. I feel as if we have zero time together and the intimacy we once had is lacking. There is so much built up that I’m just upset anytime we talk. I don’t want to take it out on him. He’s only doing his job and I’m only doing mine, but I feel like we are missing so much and I’m torn in what to do. I know people love differently but I require affection and I don’t get that from him. He’s also been so stressed that he doesn’t want to have sex EVER. I trust this man with my life so I know that he’s not cheating BUT I still can’t help but feel unwanted. Especially when he says he’s not attracted to ANYONE. Meaning me. I know I’m insecure so please no negative comments as it’s something I’m working on, I just feel unhappy as a result of all this. And to top it off we had an early miscarriage last Thursday and since then I haven’t wanted him to even kiss or touch me during the one period he actually seemed to try. Has anyone gone through this? What do I do? I’ve tried talking to him before and he just says he doesn’t need the added stress at this time which I do understand but shouldn’t my feelings still matter or is that selfish?