New to the group - here’s my rant...

My SO and I have been together since October 2016. We absolutely love and adore each other. He is my better half-no doubt. We decided after a year of being together we would TTC. Call me crazy but we’ve never argued/fought (even to this day). He knew I wanted to have another child (I have a 10year old) and it be with the man I plan on spending the rest of my life with (him). So we started our journey and of course, we weren’t successful. I decided around April-ish of last year to start tracking my ovulation so we could make sure we BDd around the right times and maybe that was why we weren’t getting pregnant.

September of last year I decided to meet with my OBGYN to discuss possible fertility issues. I got a full pap and he ordered a semen analysis for my SO. He wasn’t entirely too thrilled about it and I got my results back from my pap which determined I had HPV and abnormal cells. Had a biopsy done and found out I had CIN II cervical dysplasia. I told my SO we would hold out on the semen analysis for now while I go through this process. I get the cryosurgery done -baby making on hold at this point until I healed. November came around and we were finally allowed to get back to “work” still nothing of course so here we were January 2019.

I finally said fuck it and quit tracking because it wasn’t doing a damn bit of good. We weren’t having that much sex anyway. 3-4 times a month MAX. It’s now May and we’ve only had sex ONE MOTHER FUCKING TIME my ENTIRE CYCLE!!

Here’s what really pisses me off, I’m sick and tired of his family/friends making comments about us not having a baby yet but then constantly having him do stuff for them making him too damn tired to want to have sex.

I’ve had conversations with my SO before about how we can’t get pregnant if we are only having sex once or twice a month. He agrees with me and tells me how much he wants a baby but when it comes down to actually having sex more than 1 time in a month it’s “I’m too tired, I’m too full” or he’s drank too much alcohol that he’s not going to get off anyway.

I’m at my wits end!! 🤦‍♀️