Has anyone’s LO experienced white poop?


Wondering if your LO has experienced white poop what your doctor said? So my son is 16 months and every so often he gets white poop. Not like white paper white but off white. The doctor said just to watch it and try and keep track of what he’s eating etc. my son doesn’t drink milk. So it’s not too much milk. When looking up causes online some are scary so I am trying to decide if I should push harder. I also don’t want my son to have to go through a bunch of testing though if I just need to settle my first time mom self down.

He’s always had a bad belly. He was in his meconium for about 20-40 minutes with a very rough labor and then emergent c section delivery. He had to have ingested some since they had to suck it out of his nose and ears. I think that contributes to his sensitive stomach. Poop probably isn’t the best first meal.

Thanks for any input!