Trigger is out, could this be a chemical?

V • 1/19 M/C (Blighted Ovum) 👼, 5/19 M/C (Chemical)👼, 11/19 M/C (8 wks) 👼. Currently🤰🌈 Due Sept 2020!

I am 11dpiui after a Gonal F

<a href="">IUI</a>

cycle and after testing out my Ovidrel trigger I got a BFP about two days later. It took 10 days because I took 10,000 ius.

The only issue is that I have is Im not having any symptoms and the line is not getting darker. When i was pregnant previously, I had a pretty noticeable darkening progression along with symptoms. I just have a gut feeling this might be a chemical pregnancy :-(

Thoughts? Experience?