Preterm labor risk


Had some questions and wanted to get some opinions. If you've seen me post before so sorry to keep bringing it up. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I am high risk for preterm labor. My first two children came at 29 weeks. I am now in my 29th week with this pregnancy. Some days I feel good about it, like I'm actually going to make it closer to term, but other days paranoia creeps in and I start to worry.

What are the chances I would have a 3rd 29 weeker? I see an MFM and she checks my cervix every other week and so far its nice and long as of last week. But she isn't sure if the reasons for my previous preterms were bc of incompetent cervix or if my uterus spontaneously started contracting.

Obviously I have sought her insight on my risks and she just says it could happen any time basically. But what are the odds of it happening again at 29 weeks?

I worry bc at my job I am standing the entire time. I only work 5 hours but its still alot of standing without a break. Some days I feel ok and others I am just exhausted and have so much pressure and pain. Today was pretty rough. I started getting alot of pressure but I've felt that before and also some cramping. Once i got home and rested I felt much better. Also I've been having Braxton Hicks every single day since about 25 weeks or so. I know that can be very normal but because of my history it sometimes scares me.

What are some of yalls thoughts? Advice? Experience?

Cant wait for week 30 to finally get here. 🤞