Is it weird that my fiancé expects me to call his mother Ms. _____ after we’re married?

My fiancé and I are getting married in two months. We’ve been seeing each other two years this summer. Let’s say his mother’s name is Alice. I’ve been calling his mother Ms. Alice since I’ve known him. He says it’s normal that after we’re married I will continue to call her this?

He doesn’t say Mr. Phil (again, name change) when talking to my father, he just says Phil. I find it odd that if we had children they’d be calling her grandma and I’d still be calling her Ms. “first name”.

She’s not mean or rude to me, but she does come off as... not very warm maybe? I talk to her here and there about wedding stuff but it’s always me texting her, she doesn’t reach out to me and I wouldn’t say we have a relationship either. She seems indifferent to me. Is this how it usually goes?

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