2 year old found in the middle of the street😣

Sooo in my little town, a two year old was seen in the middle of the road and a good Samaritan knew where he lived and took him home. Both the parents were unaware that he was even out of the house! The parents were arrested and issued tickets/ court dates....

Now it makes me think about my son. Although I couldn’t imagine it ever happening,you never know! I feel like arresting them is unfair unless they were in a bad state ( of drugs or who knows) !??? BUTTT

A) My son is 2.5 who’s in my sight almost 24/7 because I am a stay at home mom, but

B) toddlers are very capable to open doors and escape easily

C) I’ve taken a shower while LO watches tv or naps. I make sure my doors are locked and keep the safest environment but you never know..

D) I’ve caught him with dangerous objects in his possession from pushing chairs up to the counter and almost have a heart attack

Do you think making them go to jail is fair??? I mean this sounds awful and I’d really hope it would never happen to any child! I couldn’t imagine the embarrassment of headlines in the newspaper of irresponsible parents. Or worse if the child did get harmed or taken. I feel like it could happen to anyone. I’m all sorts of mixed emotions. What do you think!?