Our Story

Amber • Happily married, two beautiful kids, and two pups. ❤️

On April 28th at 3 am I started having contractions, they were mild at the time so my husband and I called a friend to come stay at the house with our toddler, then we headed to Labor and Delivery. We were monitored for two hours and they sent us home because my cervix was still closed and was showing no signs of opening, even though my contractions were ranging between 60-70 on and 100 point scale. They told us if the contractions get worse or my water breaks to come back in.

So we went home and waited. We got home around 6:30

Around 8:30 my contractions had gotten pretty strong and we decided to go back in to labor and delivery. I went to the bathroom before we left the house and I was bleeding. We rushed out the door with our toddler in tow. When we arrived back at labor and delivery the nurse was taking her sweet time and she started swabbing me to test my fluid to see if my amniotic fluid was leaking.

While she was doing this my water broke at 9:12am.

She decide to check my cervix and then she said, “Oh! You are dilated to an 8, we are going to have a baby really soon.”

She had me turn onto my side and told me that if I felt the urge to push to pant through that contraction. The doctor was not on site at the hospital so I had to breathe through about 4-5 contractions where I felt like our baby was trying to come out.

The doctor finally arrived after 10 minutes and he said “ok I can feel her head, it won’t be long now.” So with that he had me start pushing. Two long pushes later and our sweet Evalynn Rose was born at 9:31am weighing 7lbs 3oz.

So long story short my water broke at 9:12 and Evalynn was born at 9:31.

She was born so fast that he face bruised on the way out.