Being a stay at home mom

I'm the first person in my family who stays at home raising their kids.

Saddly my mom, gradma, aunts, and cousins had to raise their kids alone. Meaning, they had to work full time and sometimes 2 jobs.

After 5 years married we decided that we were ready to have a baby. We owned a house and my husband has a good job. The idea was always for me to stop working and stay with the kids at home. That's what I always wanted to.

My mom was never there for me. She was always working. She missed all my recitals, classroom presentations, mother's day, etc. As a kid it was hard not to haver her, and as an adult I completely understand why she had to work so much.

That's why we decided to be money stable to start our family.

Since the day I stopped working my mom tells me how lazy women who don't work are. How easy is stay at home "doing nothing". How horrible life is for a woman who has to depend on a man.

I used to fight her and tell her she has no idea how a family works (she was married for 6 months. Then never saw my dad again)

But is like fighting with a wall. No matter what she has to mention things every day. "My friend's daughter is a successful lawyer", "her mom must be so proud".

It breaks me that she doesn't show any appreciation for what I do.

I know all my family sees me that way.

I love my kids. I've enjoyed every steps of their childhood, but is not fair I have to be crucified for being at home with them.

I'm hurt.