Scared to gain weight...


I’m just about 18 weeks pregnant right now and at my last 3 appointments my weight has stayed pretty much the same. I didn’t lose a ton of weight in the beginning because I didn’t have a lot of vomiting involved with my morning sickness. I know I’m probably going to start gaining weight soon and I’m really nervous about it and I don’t know why.

I weighed 231 before pregnancy and I’ve stayed pretty steady at 229 for the past couple months. But now my appetite is picking up and I’m starting to show (I’m only 5’2 and have a short torso).

I’m really scared of getting scolded at the doctors for gaining too much. Last night, a couple hours after dinner, I was hungry again and I was complaining about it to my husband and he said “if you’re hungry, eat! You’re growing a human” but I’m still scared to eat too much. I want to give my baby everything she needs though.

Part of this is probably guilt because I don’t think I’m being active enough. I work on my feet 38-40 hours a week and by the time I get home I’m so wiped out, I don’t want to work out.

I guess I just want to know if I’m alone in feeling like this? I’m not sure...