Scheduled c section birth story very long


Okay! This is a little late but I know as a FTM I was wanting to read someone’s c section story in detail. So here it goes. Baby girl turned breech at 35 weeks and decided she was going to stay that way. Her due date was March 31st so our section was scheduled for March 25th. The procedure was scheduled for 12:30pm so we showed up at 10:30am. They hooked me up to an IV lock and began monitoring mine and babies heart rate for 20 minutes. Once they determined we were steady and they took my blood and we filled out all the papers they had my husband change and they took me into the OR. Here’s my husband because he’s cute 😜

My husband wasn’t allowed in the room while they were giving me a spinal block. This was the part I was terrified of. The anesthesiologist had me sit on the side of the table and another nurse stood in front of me to hold me still. He gave me the general anesthesia then began placing the block. This was the most odd feeling ever and honestly I remember thinking “I’m going to be paralyzed” strictly because I had never felt anything inside my spine before and it freaked me out. But instantly my legs began to go numb. They felt hot and heavy. The nurses quickly moved me so that I was laying on the table. The numbness quickly moved up to my chest. The nurses strapped my arms down (though I didn’t even notice they were strapped until after and they had to unstrap me) I was trying to concentrate on the fact that I was able to move my fingers because I was so scared of not being in control when all of a sudden I started to feel nauseous. I told the anesthesiologist and he got some meds to stop it but before he could I began dry heaving (which by the way when you can’t feel your body from the neck down feels really weird) then the meds kicked in and I was better. I heard my doctor talking through how he was cutting the layers when I realized my husband wasn’t in the room! I yelled out to get my husband so one of the students ran out to get him. He came up to my head and within two minutes I heard my baby cry and they showed her to me over the curtain. I instantly began to cry and couldn’t stop. I had never felt so many emotions. My husband went with her to get weighed and measured and then they brought her to my chest while I was stitched up.

They left and went to the recovery room where I was monitored for about an hour and was able to start breast feeding right away. After that we finally got to our room. My body had a hard time keeping my temperature up so even though I felt like it was 100 degrees my body was only at 96 and I had to have a heated blanket and hot air blowing into the blanket. It took me hours to finally start regulating my temp. I also had a catheter in but didn’t realize it until I moved my arm and it tugged it. I didn’t fully regain feeling in my body until the next day around noon. Once I could feel my legs they took out the catheter and I was able to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. When I stood up for the first time it felt like all my insides were going to fall out of my stomach. We were in the hospital a total of 4 days! Phoebe Lynn Thompson was 6lbs 6oz and 19.5” long!

Here’s my scar 5 weeks pp