Fuck it i changed the Wi-Fi password

Yes so I changed the Wi-Fi password in the house and my husband is pissed.

Here's a back story. So my husband of 2 years gor kicked out the Army 6 months ago (October 2018). Together we have a 21 month old and a 2 month old. For Christmas he was broke and he didnt give me our our oldest anything for Christmas instead he went and bought a new PlayStation for himself using his credit card (because I broke his old one on purpose, you will find out why). In January he went to school for CDL using his GI bill and got a little money for going to school. I thought this was going to be great so he can start helping out with the bills. The school had a high rate of getting a job with in the 1st month. But he never got a job or "tried" instead hes been home every day playing his PlayStation. He hasn't helped out with any bills at all. I pay it all. I pay the rent(comes out my paycheck because i am in the Army and live on post), daycare for our oldest, both our car insurance, my car, the WI-FI, my credit cards, my phone, diapers and wipes for 2 babies, food and household items. He's not once bought anything for our 2 month old not even when i was pregnant. I'm not saying he has to buy new and expensive baby stuff but like come on when i run out formula I have to pay $27 for one can. Ive cried to him many times telling him I need help with money and our babies. Ive yelld and screamed, ive broken PlayStation's because he wont get off his game to help with the babies. I feel like I'm doing it all by myself. Since I'm home on maternity leave and he is obiously home too I begged him to go to our baby's 2 month check up with me. After that on the way home he kept saying he wanted fried chicken. He drove to the fastfood chicken place and ordered without asking me since im the one with money. I was really annoyed and let him get it. I told him to ask if they were hiring and sure enough they were! He said ok and drive off and I was like wait go inside and introduce yourself to a hiring manager. So he did she gave him a website to go to and he did. He went in for an interview and was hired! I took him to walmart and bought him a pair of $12 work pants and $30 non slip shoes. I also paid $7 for the food handlers card. So i spent like $50 for him to start working. I would do anything because i need him to get a job and help asap. Today he asked if he could use my phone (his phone is disconnected for not paying it) to call the manager and she said that he needed to complete one more thing online and submit it and call her back and he said okay he hung up the phone and he kept playing his game. So fast forward to a few hours later I told him I had a headache and I was going to go upstairs with our baby and for him to go pick up our oldest from daycare and he said okay he ended up falling asleep on the couch. Daycare called me asking where we were at. I told them my husband should be on his way he left about 15 mins ago and should be walking through the daycare doors any second. I decided to come check if he even left so I come downstairs and he's asleep on the couch!!!!!! why??? because he played his game all night didn't come up to bed at all so now he was tired. I stood there so mad and started yelling at him why didn't he pick up our daughter? Why did he fall asleep when he said he was leaving to get her. Like he had on his shoes and i was convensed he was gonna walk out the door! Not fall asleep! Turns out he didnt hear anything from me yelling at him to wake up. So he leaves and got half way there and decided to turn around because daycare was pass closing time and thought I went to pick her up, since we never let the time get that late to pick her up. He comes back home asking where our oldest was and I said you didnt go get her?!?!?!? He said he didn't hear anything I said and had looked at the time in his car and figured I got her and turned bacj around, so there he goes leaving the house again this time taking my debit card to pay a $20 late fee of $1 per minute!!!!! I had enough! I called the cable company and changed the Wi-Fi password. He doesnt pay for the wifi or anything in the house he is using me and sucking me dry with no money left. We live off $300 for 2 weeks after the bills are paid. I dont pay his bills or else id be extremely broke! He is mad and i dont give a fuck!!! 😂🙌 I also asked him if he completed the thing the manager asked for? He said no. And i said "well the library is open tomorrow and I hope you complete it so you can start working." He said fuck he won't. All because I wont give him the wifi password. I honestly don't care if he doesn't I'm not giving him the password to the Wi-Fi. Because all he does is look at YouTube of people playing games and plays his game all day, all night. Shit i can cancel his car insurance too! Save me $150 since he barely drives or wants to leave the house. I told him his car is gonna get repossessed if he doesnt pay. I also give him gas money and he blew through his cut of our tax return. His credit use to be good but now its shit. I honestly hate him. I won't get a divorce because I dont want the Army getting in my business again. I already had an incident almsot one year ago that ended up with me in jail over night because he was playing his game while our oldest was crying from diaper rash while i was in the shower. I got out and I put rash cream on her and gave her some Tylenol all while still in my towel and he went right back to playing his game! Anyways it turned into a huge fight and I told him to get out the house and he said he was going to take our daughter with him. I asked why when he cant even take carr of a diaper rash?!!?! Anyways I put hands on him to try to take her out his arms and yeah I called the police on him and told him he's going to take our baby and yeah I ended up going to jail. So I hate the Army, I hate the MPs, I hate that i reached out for help and it back fired on me. So that's why i wont get a devorice while I'm still in the Army. I dont want my higher ups in my business AGAIN! My security clearance is at risk right now form thsi taht happened one year later, May 12,2018.... Yes, mothers day.

He doesnt help out with any of our babies. He lets our 2 month old cry while he plays his game. He props the bottle up with the baby in his swing while he plays his game. He doesnt change him. When he was about 2 weeks old I noticed he would feed and change our baby and put hin back down. I noticed he wouldn't carry him at all. Like just want to hold him and bond with him.

Sorry its long I just have to get some of this off my chest. I use to always say i didn't want to be pregnant when i was pregnant with our now 2 month old. I felt like I was stuck and still feel like I'm stuck. I cry almost everyday because I'm struggling with money. I have tried to get on food stamps but can't because I make a tad bit too much money. I sell things we don't need just to make $5. I'm only 23. I got pregnant with our oldest when I was 20. I'm so young and I feel stupid and stuck. I hate myself and i hate my life. I didn't think that my life would turn out this way. Right after high school I joined the Army and one year into my contract I hot pregnant after only dating him for 2 months. I had BC but i took it out because i was gaining weight and i needed to meet the Army hight and weight. And thats why it all stated. So thats why i hate myself. Do you think I could have post partum depression? I find myself crying alot because of the lack of support at home. With out me being the Army we have no money, no health insurance or a place to stay. I lost 50 pounds of pregnancy weight in 2 months after having our new baby. I have 30 more pounds to lose to be on Army hight and weight standards. Obiously you can guess why i wasn't on BC when i got pregnant with our 2nd baby. I'm telling you I'm so stuck in this quick sand.