Baby’s Born!

This is my story!

Last year my husband and I decided to try for our third and last baby. It only took us four months to get pregnant! It doesn’t seem like a long time but, I felt it was never going to happen. I took test after test! Spent hundred on them. Every negative was such a heartbreak. Well, it was time for my period to roar her ugly head in. The day I was suppose to get it, it didn’t come. I didn’t get my hopes up because as always it was probably just late and I didn’t want to feel that heartbreak all over again from a negative result. So, I didn’t test. Three days come and go and guess what, no period! I had just one test left. I prayed to God to let it be positive. I took it and my prayers were finally answered, it was positive!

The very next day I called and made an appointment with the doctor. Those seemed like the longest two weeks of my life getting in to finally see my peanut! I go in for my ultrasound and the doctor puts the wand to my belly. Taking tons on pictures but, wasn’t showing the screen. She had this “worried” look on her face. She gets up and tells us to wait she needs the doctor to come in to check something. Instant fear came over my body. I feared the worst. The doctor finally comes in. He says I’m sorry but, there’s a sac but, no baby no heartbeat was detected. My world came crashing down. This couldn’t be happening! They set my appointment for a DNC for the following week. I demanded them to give me one last ultrasound that day of. I was still getting dark positives. My pregnancy symptoms were still present! They told me, I didn’t have a viable pregnancy no baby was seen. I still demanded that ultrasound! Thank God they gave in because there on the screen was my baby! A 8 week baby with a strong heart beat of 172! I instantly cried! My baby could’ve been killed! Always go with your gut!

Fast forward to a couple weeks later. I woke up to a gush! I got out of bed and had bright red blood running down my legs. I couldn’t believe what was happening. There was so much blood, I had to call my husband to come home from work. I was losing so much blood that I could barely walk from being so light headed. Crying and begging God the whole time. Not my baby, please don’t take my baby from me. We get to the ER and I was taken back immediately! I was soaking a pad within 20 minutes with blood. I had blood clots the size of golf balls passing. They sent me back for an ultrasound. I’m fearing the worst still begging God to let my baby live. Please don’t take my baby. It was just healthy with a strong heart beat. All a sudden on the screen it showed a healthy living baby at 12 weeks gestation moving around like crazy with that same strong heartbeat, I couldn’t believe it! But, why am I losing so much blood? And why am I bleeding? They later came back and told me they found a rather large sub chorionic hematoma. I never heard of this before. I was told my baby had a 50% chance of surviving through pregnancy. Not the news I wanted to hear. I went home and I was put on bed rest. I was told I had to make it at least to 24 weeks for a viable pregnancy. That’s 12 weeks away! I never prayed so much in my life! I finally hit 20 weeks and went in for an ultrasound. I felt that day was never going to come. The first ultrasound I’ve had since the hospital. I received the best news ever the hematoma was gone! It first measured 8 cm at the hospital and then it was gone! I was beyond happy, I was finally able to feel like I could enjoy my pregnancy. And it was a girl!!! I got home to a voicemail after my appointment that was from my midwife. It was to please call back immediately! Something was found that wasn’t normal. My heart sunk. I couldn’t believe it. I just received good news now this again! I called back and they said my baby’s umbilical cord only had two vessels instead of three. I was told she wouldn’t be able to receive all the important things she needed to survive. They told me my baby would again have a 50% chance of making it (that wasn’t true at all) but, I knew nothing about this condition at the moment. A midwife gave me false information. I wouldn’t lose my baby but, she could be born very early and she could have low birth weight. I received an ultrasound every single week from then. Every week my baby girls weight went up and she stayed healthy as can be! On Sunday April 7th I woke up to mild stomach cramps but, I brushed it off all day. That night I lost my mucous plug and shortly after that I had a gush of blood! I went into panic mode again! My husband rushed me into L&D where I was checked. I was at 4 cm and my contractions were awful then. They broke my water that morning around 7:30. I received my epidural because the pain was unbearable! At 10:10 in the morning they checked my progress! My baby girl was crowning! We were finally about to meet our baby girl after months of fear. 3 big pushes and at 10:15 Monday April 8, 2019 our beautiful 8 pound 15 oz blessing was born healthy as can be! Pregnancy was hard and scary but, totally worth it. 💛