No longer a stay at home mom!


Ya girl got a job!!

So I’ve literally been looking for a job for nearly a freaking year and I finally got one. Who knew it would be so hard to find a decent job having almost 3 years customer service experience, and 2 and half years of college majoring in business administration. But guys I finally got hired at a hotel as a front desk receptionist!! Like freaking finally, now it’s only part time and 2nd shift (3-11) BUT I might have also landed a second job at tractor supply working mornings. Like IM SO EXCITED. Finally I can bring income in for my family! I’m recently engaged, have a 18 month old son and my fiancé and I are TTC his first and my second child. We recently found a house to rent with 1 acre of land, 3 bed and 2 bath. Needs some painting and a little TLC. But it’s huge and has a huge yard. Perfect to expand our family and we will be buying the house outright after two years of renting!! ALSO, my fiancé got approved for a loan to get a truck that we are getting on the road tomorrow so we finally have 2 vehicles. GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO THOSE WHO WAIT. We’ve done a lot of waiting and a lot of struggling but I think things are finally falling into place for us! ❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍