Low AMH Expectations


Hello All! This is my first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle and my issue is low ovarian reserve (0.5 and I’m 37). Everything else is all good and my husband (36) is great on all fronts. I started stims on Monday and went in yesterday (Thursday) for my first ultrasound/labs to gauge my response to the stims (Microflare Protocol). My lining and everything was what my doc described as “textbook,” and he was very pleased with my lab results and my rise in Estrogen.

Regarding follicles:

Right Ovary - 2 (11mm, 8mm)

Left Ovary - 3 (9mm, 10mm, 10mm)

Now my doctor has been very candid about my situation and has set realistic goals/expectations...we are not looking to freeze/bank embryos for future use (of course we’d be over the moon if we did get more than one!!!). Our goal is to get one PGS normal ASAP for a frozen transfer.

I know this post is all over the place but I just wanted to see if there’s anyone else that is/has been in a similar situation. My doctor did not want me obsessing over follicle count during this first ultrasound. He really wanted to confirm that I’m responding to the meds, determine if my protocol needed tweaking, and that whatever follicles I have are in sync and that none of them are “taking the lead.”

Has anyone had more follicles show up in their second ultrasound, or I’m I probably looking at 5 or less? I know that it’s quality over quantity and that low amh is a beast, but with no real frame of reference it’s hard not to be disheartened by that darn follicle count! I love my doctor but he can be tough to read LOL!

Thanks for taking the time to read this. It feels good to work through my feelings so I can keep on keeping on, so to speak! Any feedback/personal experience would be greatly appreciated. Xo