My crazy birth story from 7 years ago!


I’m inspired by reading some of these to share with you all my eldest daughters crazy birth! She is now 7.

At 37wks pregnant with her it was confirmed she was breech and they also were concerned because the measurements made it look like she was going to be HUGE. So after a lot of debating it was time to schedule a c section because she wasn’t going to budge that late into pregnancy. So it’s the day of my scheduled c section and I’m 39w+2d. I go in, and lo and behold I was having contractions! I was so scared of a c section so I asked and pleaded with my doc just to make sure she was breech and give me an ultrasound just to ease my mind that I was making the right decision. She obliged and brought in the ultrasound machine, and WHOA my baby girl flipped head down at 39 weeks! So i was super shocked and so was she, and I asked since I was having regular contractions could I just try and have this baby the old fashioned way! She said of course since your already here and at a 3 go for it!

So I walked around and walked around and the contractions were picking up... I go to lie in bed and she wants to check my progress, she feels around and 👀 baby is ONCE AGAIN BREECH! We were like whaaaat?! So she suggests I start walking again and get me into positions that encourage her to flip once more and that once and IF she did my doc would break my water to “TRAP” her head down.

Well it worked, my daughter flipped again, and we were quick and careful to break my water, and let me tell you, my doc was shocked at how much fluid I had! Like, flood the room worthy. And THATS how my baby girl was still flipping like a psycho so late in the game! She was still able to swim around!

After she ruptured my membranes, the contraction got super intense, I was trying to ride it out but knew I wanted an epidural at some point because the previous birth of my son hurt so much I passed out and missed the most important moment! So I was able to get to a 7 with no medication, then opted for the epi. It worked, but then my labor stalled, go figure. So then they start pitocin to pick my labor back up. It was fine until my daughter started having heart decels with every contraction when I was at a 9, they didn’t like that one bit. I was put on oxygen, and told to lay on my side to help her out. That didn’t make her heart improve much, so then it was time to talk c section AFTER ALL OF THAT!

I was pretty scared and let down because I was so close, but I was numb from the epi and they were ready to have me in the OR so off I went. It was about 35 minutes start to finish, she had the cord wrapped around her neck twice which explained the decels. My daughter weighed 8lbs9oz and was 19in long. She was not a big baby at all just chubby, but my fluid levels were super high so it distorted the ultrasound measurements! So that’s my crazy story about how my daughter was still swimming around like a fish at 39 weeks and things can’t always be planned when it comes to bringing life into the world! I’m so excited to have my THIRD daughter later this year 😁