About to turn 42 & about to have my 2nd miscarriage


I have been ttc for a little over 2 years. When I started on my journey I tried on my own for about 4 to 6months. My gyn was helping me with low dose of clomid. But after no success she suggested i see a Reproductive endo, bcuz of my age. So i found i clinic that i loved instantly. I did hsg, sys testing and all start-up labs. All came back great! The Good thing at first was my insurance covered at least all testing, office visits and ultrasounds. I Started on femara highest dose, but my progesterone levels were coming back low every cycle but after 4 months i got pregnant in 2-2018 by

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

that ended in early miscarriage, hcg level never went up pass 24 instantly started dropping. My Re switched me to clomid highest dose, although my progesterone levels were responding alot better month after month nothing. My insurance changed and now i had no coverage. So I started paying for EVERYTHING out of pocket. Due to finances and consistent failed cycles I decided to take a break from the clinic. I went back to my gyn for assistance. After 1 cycle of working back with her i got pregnant. I was in shock, happy but couldn't really get excited. I was instantly terrified of possibly losing this one too. My last menstrual cycle started 3-25, got a positive opk on cycle day 16. I got my 1st bfp 4-23, had hcg level drawn on that day was 10, 2days later 17, 2days later 28, 3days later 64. Even though it was low not really doubling, i was still hopeful. I had my 1st appt on 5-2 at 5weeks &3days per my gyn. Exam was good, she did bloodwork, she did an ultrasound saw gestational sac measuring at exactly 5weeks &3days. That gave me some sense of relief bcuz I'm thinking by now my levels must have went up if sac is visible. She wants me to repeat ultrasound in 2weeks to check for viabilty. But today my bloodwork came back from that visit and my hcg level is only at 30. So it's dropped and I have lost any possible hope. Everything i read said your levels have to be at least 1000 for gestational sac to be visible. So I'm confused and sooo hurt that I'm just sitting and waiting for this miscarriage to happen. I have no cramping, no bleeding but with nbrs this low at 5weeks it's only a matter of time. My birthday is in 12days and i hoped this baby would be my birthday present. I don't think i will be able to bring myself to keep trying after this. Sorry for the long rant. 😔😪

UPDATE: 5-6-19 I was really uncomfortable allnight, hard to sleep, slight cramping. Had more labs today, results tmw

5-7-19 got my hcg results today I'm officially not pregnant anymore. Dr can not explain how i was able to develop a gestational sac with such low levels. Either way by my now negative test it is no longer progressing. Cramping is worse now and spotting has started.

Thanks again ladies for all your responses and support.