Tracking 1st IUI 🥺😔 *UPDATES*

CJ • ❤️ Aug2020 ❤️

I had my 1st <a href="">IUI</a> completed (Fri. 5/3.). And they were only able to get 500k sperm, after wash. I’m just plain sad. I did everything (test, Clomid, Ovidrel trigger shot, more tests...) I had two follicles on Thursday (28mm and 19mm). I’ve been told that My body is fine (I have a 13yr old) my DH has low sperm/Ab motility/Morph. Its been 5 yrs of trying...I’m tired.


4dpiui/5dpt - decided that I’m testing out the trigger shot. It was positive with FMU. Day 2 of Progesterone; Emotional, hungry, tired and faint soreness in lower abdomen.

5dpiui/6dpt - positive hpt for trigger (250; Ovidrel). Day 3 of Progesterone. Emotional, hungry and tired. Acne. Increased white CM. No abdominal soreness.

7dpiui - 8dpt and trigger is just about gone. RE confirmed that I did ovulate.

9dpiui - I’ve decided to stop testing Out the trigger. My Progesterone was 34 and my Estrogen was 375 at 7dpiui. I still had a vf line for trigger at 8dpiui. Today’s is Mothers’ Day and my DH and teen son have really put in effort to make today special. I’m planning to hold out on testing until Wed. (2 days before beta test date.) I’m still very hungry, sleepy, with a faint feeling of Nausea. And a sense of nervousness (anxious feeling?) all over.

11dpiui/12dpt - I lied. I took a Clearblue digital that confirmed “Not Pregnant.” At work feeling mild nausea/nervousness/disappointment. Side effects must be from Progesterone. Waiting for this process to be over so I can focus on redirecting my mind back to trying to do anything else...


13dpiui/14dpt: BFN with FMU.

14dpiui: Beta confirmed failed <a href="">IUI</a>