10 years apart


im so happy i found this group, i have only been with my boyfriend for 7 months & i am 18 while hes 28 (he alao happens to be my brothers 'old' best friend, yikes). everyone makes me feel so alienated because im with him like our love is different and weird. they claim im being manipulated, that he wants to settle down and ill change my mind, & that we're gross because im still so young. he has a 3 yr old daughter who absolutely adores me and vice versa, everyone thinks its weirder because he already has a kid but tons of people my age are dating others who have kids too! plus, i LOVE children and i cant wait to have some of our own together. all my old friends got mad because i dont want to live the same life as them anymore partying, hoeing, drugs, etc & want to sit at home with my lovely makeshift family now. i love how old he is because it comes with maturity that people my age lack.

all of this is just some random rant but i would expect a lot more of these bcos ive just been talking to people who cant understand