Guys.... I’m late... 😮

Heather • Married & TTC

My husband and I have been TTC for 5 years. We’ve been looking into <a href="">IVF</a> for a year now but dr said I needed to lower my BMI before we do retrieval. Great. I’m 20 lbs away.... Infertility is due to my husbands low count. It’s kind of taken the pressure of trying off since I know we’re on track as soon as I lose the weight.

Well I’ve legit NEVER been more than a day or two late and I am on day 7... 😯 I’m partially terrified that I’m not pregnant and I’m waiting for every time I pee to see blood on the tp.... but I haven’t yet.

I took a test 4 days ago and it was a BFN but it expired in 2017 (it was an expensive digital one I purchased when I though getting knocked up was easy😂) so I am not putting much faith in that one.... my nipples are crazy sore, but no other weird symptoms... Going to test again Monday if AF doesn’t show.

I just needed to tell someone... anyone. I dont want to tell my hubby or friends incase I am and then I will be able to surprise them. If not C’est la vie. Still on the road to <a href="">IVF</a>... but man wouldn’t it be cool if we made it happen the natural way! 🥰