Irregular cycles


Hey there! I'm 21 y/o, I've been with my s/o for 5+ years & we are happily engaged. We have been ttc since January, as you can tell from the header I have irregular cycles, so as I say that who else is in the same boat with me? Who has had irregular cycles and concieved? How long did it take you to concieve? Any tips on what we should try? I've been taking prenatal since December, we don't smoke, do drugs or drink. We don't even drink caffeine. I'm 5'2" & I weigh 130 so I'm at my healthy weight. Just looking for any tips! I had a pap smear done in February & everything was fine then I just have a smaller cervix and that's about it! I was on birth control from 16-18 but now I've been off of it for 3 years!