Big Bang!!


I finally have time to tell this story. My due date was April 21st. But I was having mild contractions since the end of March, been to the hospital back and forth with them saying my contractions kept stopping also I was like 3cm dilated around March 29th. This is my third baby so I knew the signs to look out for and I kept telling them I'm having persistent lower back pains. So I was like ok maybe I'm just pushing things and I continue on my normal routine. On April 4th I went to the hospital for a non stress test no contractions everything is fine. My husband drops me home and he goes to work. My mom had to take care of some business out of state and asked if I would be fine with my two older kids (school age) I said yup and walked to their bus stop to pick them up about a 2min walk. My daughter has autism and sees a TSS and Behavior Specialist. They came over for 2hrs and when her TSS left her Behavior Specialist stayed behind to talk. I go to the bathroom and when I return wham! Contractions. They started hard and slow but by 30mins they got so unbearable. I called my midwife and she told me to come in. I called my husband and he left work he had about a 45 min drive to get to us. The behavior Specialist was like I'll take you and she helped me get my children dressed. I told my husband to meet us at the hospital which would be like an hr from where he was. We get to the emergency room and somehow my husband got there the same time we did lol (speed demon)

The midwife checks me when I tell her I need to push and I'm 8cm dilated. I was planning on getting epidural but there was no time. A nurse sat with my children so my husband could come in the birthing room. They asked me if my water broke and I was like idk. The midwife told me to push and as soon as I pushed my water burst in a splash. Sorry to my midwife who got hit! My daughter was out in three pushes covered in baby poop 😂. I arrived to the hospital about 8:30pm and she was born 9:27pm April 4th. My last baby came with a bang and a very unforgettable birthing story