Crippling anxiety with newborn


Hey everyone, I’m looking for some advice. I have a beautiful baby girl who will be 6 weeks on Monday and couldn’t be happier or more in love. I didn’t go through PPD, I had the baby blues for only a couple days but what I’m noticing now is postpartum anxiety, mostly with the dreaded SIDS. I can’t stop thinking about it, it debilitates me. I don’t grasp how some of it is possible - I keep reading that if a baby suffocates, they don’t struggle? That if their head slumps forward and blocks their airway they would just stop breathing and pass away. Or if their nose gets squished because of lack of cartilage, they would just slowly stop breathing and pass away. Is it really that easy? That there would be no struggling? Neither of us smoke, I’m 27, my pregnancy and labour were both healthy (picture perfect actually) and she herself is a very healthy baby. I’m exclusively breastfeeding, she sleeps in her bassinet beside my side of the bed in her snug sleepsack and she’s honestly the most calm and happy child I’ve ever seen. I guess I’m just looking for advice from other parents that have had similar fears and what you’ve done and also I’m looking to understand how easy it really is for a baby to just suddenly pass away! This is my lovely Sophia: